13th Floor, Globus Center, 609 Jafar Jabbarli Street, AZ1065 office.azermds@gmail.com



What is a SCOME ? SCOME is the Standing Committee on Medical Education (IFMSA), the first committee founded by the International Federation of Medical Students (IFMSA)in 1951. 

What is the vision of SCOME? Medical students are able to achieve better health care in the world, as well as optimally professional and individual development as future doctors for their potential Today, SCOME not only brings together medical students, but also shows how active they can be in university life, their ability to make decision in education, change dissatisfaction of the education system, and most importantly, to be more than a student.

What is the mission of SCOME? Our mission is to turn medical students (as well as us) into people contributing to the development of medical education.

What did SCOME do?If you want to take a look at the work done by other NMO (National Member Organization) so far as SCOME, you can look here.

Note - Azerbaijan belongs to the European region.

From IFMSA's point of view, medical students are the strongest proponents of adapting their education to the needs of their communities. In a modern society, we want to take responsibility to take interest in the needs of health and make sure that our education prepares us for them. Scientific data shows that modern medical curricula are more likely to train students appropriately to become physicians equipped with a variety of skills and knowledge. Although there are a number of innovative approaches to medical education based in part on the findings of cognitive science, changes in medical curricula happen slowly. The need for change is either not recognized or ignored in many universities. Here SCOME comes on the scene. We try to promote modern medical education. We are convinced by many positive results so we continue this mission by training students and teachers, exchanging experiences and disseminating information. IFMSA, as a global medical student organization operating locally in more than 100 countries around the world, has made significant contributions to the development of medical education in recent decades.
In addition, you can go here to read important documents

What does SCOME do?

We are an organization that continues to grow day by day. But we still need to attract more students, introduce SCOME and do more work. Our PBL (Problem Base Learning) project which has become a tradition for many years, is met with interest by many students. Its aim is forming clinical thinking, creating an environment where students can discuss and learn together. The life that is still going on virtually has shown us that there are many opportunities online, and we have decided to conduct PBLs online. The situation is presented during the project, students discuss it as a team and the winner team is selected in the end. In addition, the doctor accompanies the students and comments on the mistakes, opinions and comments made during the discussion. The interactive PBL is already a traditional project of SCOME.

Besides this, according to the memorandum of understanding with AAMA as AzerMDS, many of our compatriots living in the United States give lectures and update information. Topics cover many areas and are based on the best book programs. An evaluation questionnaire is shared after each lecture to determine comprehension.

As AzerMDS, we hold a series of soft skills webinars to build structure too. Through these webinars, we also acquire skills such as proper CV and mail writing skills, effective presentation project managment and etc.